You only live once so let’s make it happen!
Time to see yourself
in different lights!
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Hi, I’m Enikö!

Born into a diplomat family in Hungary, I lived in Vietnam, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal. My lengthy experience of understanding different cultures makes it natural for me to work with any nationalities. Translating known mental issues to various cultures is large part of the work. Also crucial to the success is that I make my clients feel safe, accepted and activated, something I care very much for.


My first degree was a Master in Economics and I gained experience in the world of result oriented business consulting. My second degree was in Integrative Psychotherapy where I developed my sensibility to accommodate vulnerable clients and help them make a change. In this process I use proven techniques to support the therapy, like Cognitive Therapy, NLP, Transactional Analyses, Humagination, EMDR, Hypnotherapy, Mindfullness.

I work in Utrecht and Lisbon in person and online all around the world. I give workshops at the University College of Utrecht with much joy and satisfaction.


I enjoy taking a non-judgemental and collaborative approach to therapy. In the sessions we work with integrative psychotherapy, which is a short term therapy that takes about 5-15 sessions.

Couple Therapy

I have extensive training and experience working with couples using techniques like emotionally focused couples’ therapy, transactional analyses and partner relation communication.


In the sessions we work on empowering you in your core qualities, your abilities and talents and we develop skills that you need to function better in your job.

Not sure if therapy is
the way to go?
Just curious?
Questions or concerns?

Not to worry. Set up a free
digital consult

Not In The Neighbourhood?

Online Sessions Available

Finding quality mental health services is difficult, even more so when you’re far from home. I aim to provide psychological services tailored to the international community.

Schedule your
initial talk

Bookings in Central European time zone
Current Time: 12:31 AM (Central European Time Zone)


The healing power of anger

“Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” – Aristotle How many of us grew up that we were not allowed

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The healing power of anger

“Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” – Aristotle How many of us grew up that we were not allowed

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